Perfect menu to about 1,200 calories.

If you do want to use a sweetener, choosing one with no calories keeps the menu to about 1,200 calories. One teaspoon of sugar has about 16 calories, while honey has 21 calories per teaspoon


One cup oatmeal

One-half cup non-fat milk

One tablespoon honey

One-half cup blueberries

One cup plain coffee or tea


Two slices 100% whole grain bread, deli sliced turkey breast, tomato slice, lettuce and one tablespoon mustard

One-half cup sliced carrots



Three ounces baked salmon

One cup green beans

Salad with one cup raw spinach, five cherry tomatoes and one-half cup broccoli florets with lemon juice as a dressing

Water with a slice of lemon


One apple with 12 almonds

Several glasses of water

One cup non-fat milk

One-half cup plain yogurt with one tablespoon honey

One cup strawberries

Nutrition Information

Total calories: 1,215

Total protein: 72 grams (23% of calories)

Total carbohydrates: 185 grams (59.3% )

Total fat: 25 grams (17.7%)

Saturated fat: 5 grams

Sodium: 1,402 milligrams

Sugar: 107 grams

Cholesterol: 94 milligrams

Fiber: 28 grams

1,218 Calorie Menu With Non-Nutritive Sweeteners

Again, if you wish to omit the non-nutritive sweetener or use a different one, the calorie count will remain the same. Choosing sugar or honey adds a small number of calories.


One cup whole-grain corn cereal

One packet Sucralose

One-half cup non-fat milk

One cup 100-percent orange juice as a beverage


Salad made with two cups field greens, two ounces albacore tuna (packed in water), one-half cup cherry tomatoes with two tablespoons balsamic vinegar as a dressing

Diet soda


One three-ounce pork chop

One baked sweet potato

One cup steamed asparagus

One tablespoon olive oil

One small glass of white wine


One small pita bread with two tablespoons hummus

One pear

One serving low-fat, sugar-free fruit-flavored yogurt

One cup blueberries

Two-thirds cup baby carrots with one ounce fat-free vegetable dip

Several glasses of water with slices of lemon or lime

Nutrition Information

Total calories: 1,218

Total protein: 70 grams (22.6%)

Total carbohydrates: 176 grams (56.8%)

Total fat: 20 grams (14.6%)

Saturated fat: 5 grams

Sodium: 1,615 milligrams

Sugar: 86 grams

Cholesterol: 116 milligrams

Fiber: 24 grams

Starting a Low-Calorie Diet

See your doctor before you start a low-calorie diet to ensure it is the right choice given your health and any underlying conditions. A 1,200-calorie diet is not appropriate for every person. If these meal plans don't fit your calorie needs, consider daily menus for 1,500 calories and 1,700 calories.

Portion and serving sizes are key to dieting success, so you'll need a good set of measuring cups and measuring spoons, plus a kitchen scale, until you get used to estimating your serving sizes.

from ❦ Family Fresh Meals ❦
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